The Summer Sessions office couldn't operate without the help of our campus partners, and we want to be sure that summer is as smooth for you as it is for our students. We have assembled some additional information and resources about the topics we get the most questions about from staff.

Course Scheduling
All course scheduling takes place in R'Summer.
How we calculate course times—contact hours
meeting patterns?
Dismissed students
If a student has the academic status AD (academic dismissal) or ED (ELWR lapse) in Banner, the student will not be allowed to enroll in summer courses until two conditions are met:
- The student must submit a visiting student application. The Summer Sessions office will process the application within three-to-five business days. The Summer Sessions office will admit the student as a summer-only visitor under the program ND-SSUN (ND=No degree, SSUN= Summer Sessions Undergraduate), and change the Student Status to Active on SGASTDN.
- The academic advisor (or Summer Sessions, with the advisor's permission) must perform the Academic Standing Override. When the the Summer Sessions office approves the summer application, the dismissed student will receive an email that states they they will not be able to enroll until they see an academic advisor in the college where they plan to eventually readmit. This is because the AD/ED status is Banner prevents registration. The status can be overridden, but the student must discuss their summer plans with their advisor to ensure they are planning to enroll in courses that are appropriate for their ultimate readmission. Once the advisor has advised the student, the advisor can perform the academic standing override directly in Banner (or the Summer Sessions office can perform the override if given explicit permission from the advisor). The steps to perform the override are listed on the document "Dismissed Students Attending Summer," which can be found at
Dropped Courses: Reasons a student was dropped
The most common reason that students are dropped in summer is lack of payment.
For enrollment taking place April 1-June 12th: all fees must be paid in full by June 12th. Fees can be paid in person at the Cashier's office from 9am-12pm and 1pm-3pm via cash, check or money order; or online with e-check or credit card (non-refundable service fees will apply) by 9pm. If fees are not paid in full on or by June 12th, the student may be dropped from one or more classes. If a student is dropped, they are welcome to re-enroll if registration is still open and space permits, but they must pay their fees in full or they are subject to be dropped again.
For enrollment taking place after June 12th: all fees must be paid on the same business day at the Cashier's office from 9am-12pm and 1pm-3pm via cash, check or money order; or online with e-check or credit card (non-refundable service fees will apply) by 9pm. If enrollment takes place on a weekend or holiday, the payment will be due on the next available business day. If a student is dropped, they are welcome to re-enroll if registration is still open and space permits, but they must pay their fees in full or they are subject to be dropped again.
Enrollment Adjustment Forms
The Summer Sessions office has its own online forms system that is separate from Our EAF is located at It is accessible only by students; i.e., academic advisors and other staff cannot create EAF's on a student's behalf. The student will have to log in via CAS and select "Enrollment Adjustment Form" from the form menu. All fields need to be completed on the form; otherwise, the student will get an error. Once the student has completed all of the fields, they will need to print the form, get any required signatures as listed on the form, and then physically bring the form to the Summer Sessions office, either to our Help Desk at the HUB or to our office in 1100 Hinderaker by 4pm, on the day of the deadline, as listed at Summer Sessions will then process the request and send an automated email confirmation to the student to let them know the EAF has been processed.
Please note that advisors, staff, or instructors are never obligated to sign any Enrollment Adjustment Forms; a signature indicates permission, so forms should only be signed if the staff/advisor/instructor approves of the action the student wishes to take.
The Summer Sessions office will not process any Enrollment Adjustment Forms after the designated deadline. If a student needs to make an adjustment after the deadline has passed, the only way to do so would be through the Exceptional Circumstances Petition.
Grades are due at 5pm on the Tuesday after class ends (unless there is a holiday--then, they are due on Wednesday). They must be submitted through iGrade by the designated deadline below. Use a grade change form to submit a grade late or change a previously-submitted grade. Grade change forms need to be sent/submitted to the Registrar's office directly.
Session Deadline A 7/28/20 B 9/1/20 C1 7/14/20 C2 8/4/20 C3 8/25/20 D 8/11/20 E 9/15/20 F 9/1/20 -
Students can enroll in internship/research/-198i/-298i courses by completing the Special Studies Form, which is available at The Summer Sessions office will create the course in Banner based on the information the student provides on the form. The Summer Sessions office will also enroll the student.
All students, regardless of their college, must have the faculty in charge sign the form. BCOE and CNAS additionally require the academic advisors' signature.
The Summer Sessions office kindly requests that the departments do not create these course sections in Banner during the summer. Instead, please direct students to complete the Special Studies Form and submit that to the Summer Sessions office. While we appreciate that the departments may have the flexibility to create these sections in Banner in the other quarters, it is important that the Summer Sessions office create the courses in Banner in summer to ensure that the student's are charged the correct fees.
Maximum unit load in summer, and how to change it
The default maximum enrollment cap is 15 units in summer. If a student wishes to enroll in more than 15 units, the cap will need to be increased. Students may go directly to their advisors to request this change, or they can use an Enrollment Adjustment Form. The academic advisor decides if the student's proposed unit load increase is appropriate or not, and may make the change directly in SFAREGS. The Summer Sessions office will handle any requests that come from visiting students. The Summer Sessions office will increase the max unit cap for UCR students only with explicit permission from the academic advisor (such as a signed enrollment adjustment form or email/phone request).
Permit Overrides: Issues with sequential courses in summer and registration controls
All registration controls are enforced in summer but at the term level, not at the session level. This means that a student will not be able to enroll in sequential courses in the sessions without permit overrides. For example, if a student is enrolled in SPN 001 in session A, they will not be able to enroll in SPN 002 in session B without a permit override. Another example is the Organic Chemistry series: if a student wishes to take the full series (CHEM 008A/08LA, CHEM 008B/08LB and CHEM 008C/08LC), they should be able to enroll in CHEM 008A/08LA without issue assuming they met the prerequisite, but they will need a permit override before they can enroll in CHEM 008B/08LB and CHEM 008C/08LC.
The departments are welcome to add the permit overrides to the student record as needed. The Summer Sessions office is also able to add the permit overrides, and will do so at the student's request if we can confirm that they are successfully enrolled in the first course in the series (if there is a question about whether or not the student has met the prerequisite for the first course in the series, then we will refer the student to the department).
Permit Overrides: Prerequisite/corequisite waivers for visiting students
Before a visiting student can enroll in courses, they will need to submit the Summer Sessions Application. It takes between 3-5 business days for the Summer Sessions office to process a visiting student application. Once the student is admitted as a summer-only visitor, they will be assigned a time ticket and have access to enroll in courses. They will be subject to registration controls (prerequisites, corequisites, restrictions, and so on) just as regular UCR students are. To bypass those requirements, the students must contact the appropriate department representative as listed The department representative can enter the permit overrides as they see fit.
All registration controls are enforced in summer but at the term level, not at the session level. This means that a student will not be able to enroll in sequential courses in the sessions without permit overrides. For example, if a student is enrolled in SPN 001 in session A, they will not be able to enroll in SPN 002 in session B without a permit override. Another example is the Organic Chemistry series: if a student wishes to take the full series (CHEM 008A/08LA, CHEM 008B/08LB and CHEM 008C/08LC), they should be able to enroll in CHEM 008A/08LA without issue assuming they met the prerequisite, but they will need a permit override before they can enroll in CHEM 008B/08LB and CHEM 008C/08LC.
The departments are welcome to add the permit overrides to the student record as needed. The Summer Sessions office is also able to add the permit overrides, and will do so at the student's request if we can confirm that they are successfully enrolled in the first course in the series (if there is a question about whether or not the student has met the prerequisite for the first course in the series, then we will refer the student to the department).
The Exceptional Circumstances Petition can be used by any student who misses a deadline (to drop, add, withdraw, etc.) as a result of an exceptional circumstance. The form is located at We ask that the colleges refer students to use our form, rather than the petition used during the rest of the year, because the summer petition adheres to our unique summer policies. The petition process is:
1. The student creates the petition: all students who need to submit a petition, whether they are visiting or regular UCR students, should go to to create the petition online. They will have to fill out the form online, print it, attach any applicable documentation (police reports, doctors notes, etc.), and get the required signatures as indicated on the form. Only then will the petition be complete and ready to review.
2. The student submits the petition to the reviewing office: the student needs to take the petition to the appropriate office for review. Any student who plans on receiving a degree from UCR, whether they are a current UCR student, a dismissed student, or a student taking a break for a few quarters, will have to take their petition to their college office for review. Visiting students should submit their petitions to the Summer Sessions office directly for review.
3. The reviewing office decides whether to approve or deny the petition.
4. Petitions reviewed at the college are routed back to the Summer Sessions office: when the college office makes a decision on the petition, the petition needs to be sent or delivered to the Summer Sessions office. (Note: the student does not need to attach an Enrollment Adjustment Form to the petition; the petition alone will suffice.)
5. Summer Sessions processes the petition decision: Summer Sessions will process the request and send an email confirmation to the student letting them know the action is complete.
Please keep in mind that retroactive petitions requests (which means any action approved after a session has ended and/or a grade has been assigned) take additional time to process.
Visiting Student Applications
Dismissed students
See dismissed students section
Inactive students (not dismissed, not RD, not graduated)
An inactive student is a student whose status on SGASTDN is inactive, they are not dismissed (standing AD or ED) and have not graduated. How an inactive student enrolls in summer courses depends on their plans. There are instances in which the Summer Sessions office will admit the student as a non-degree seeking visitor (i.e., the student's summer record will not reflect their past major). If the student is attempting to resume their degree-seeking status, they need to seek readmission or apply for graduation with the college. Summer Sessions does not process readmission or graduation applications.
If an inactive student submits a Summer Sessions application that indicates that they are planning to graduate in that same summer without enrolling in any classes, the Summer Sessions office will refer the student to the college to apply for graduation.
If an inactive student submits a Summer Sessions application that indicates that they are planning to take summer courses and graduate in that same summer, the Summer Sessions office will refer the student to the college to seek readmission.
If an inactive student student submits a Summer Sessions application that indicates that they are planning to enroll in summer courses and readmit in the fall, the Summer Sessions office will refer the student to the college to seek readmission.
If an inactive student submits a Summer Sessions application that indicates that they only plan to take summer classes and do not plan to graduate in summer or readmit for fall, the Summer Sessions office will admit the student as a summer-only visitor with the program "ND-SSUN" (ND= no degree, SSUN= Summer Sessions Undergraduate).
Visiting, non-UCR students
A visiting student is any student who wishes to enroll in summer courses without formally enrolling in a degree program at UCR. A visiting student can be from another UC campus, another college or university outside of UC, a past graduate, or anyone just interested in taking summer courses. Before a visiting student can enroll in courses, they will need to submit the Summer Sessions Application. It takes between 3-5 business days for the Summer Sessions office to process a visiting student application. Once the student is admitted as a summer-only visitor, they will be assigned a time ticket and have access to enroll in courses. They will be subject to registration controls (prerequisites, corequisites, restrictions, and so on) just as regular UCR students are. To bypass those requirements, the students must contact the appropriate department representative as listed The department representative can enter the permit overrides as they see fit.
Students who attended UCR in the past without completing their degree may be considered a summer visitor in certain circumstances:
- Academically Dismissed students (standing AD) and ELWR dismissed students (standing ED)
- Inactive students (IS on SGASTDN) who do not plan to graduate in summer, or formally readmit in the upcoming fall quarter. An inactive student who wishes to graduate in summer or readmit for fall will be directed to the college. See the Inactive student topic for more information about this type of student.