Summer Sessions Application
Visiting students need to complete this form to apply for Summer Sessions at UCR. Admission to UCR Summer Sessions is a separate and distinct procedure from regular admission to the university and does not give or imply admission to UCR. If you are interested in applying to UCR, visit Undergraduate Admissions. If you are interested in pursuing a graduate degree at UCR, visit to Graduate Admissions.
The visiting student application is now open for Summer 2025!
Enrollment Requests for 190 and 290 Series Courses
Use this form if you would like to enroll in directed group study, independent study, research or another variable unit class. A faculty member’s signature of approval is required. An academic advisor's signature is additionally required for CNAS and BCOE students. The Summer Sessions office will complete the enrollment process after receiving your form. Special studies are charged the per-unit fee and referendum fees for the full 10-week term.
Please note that students interested in enrolling in an EDUC 190 course should complete the School of Education's form.
For internships (198i, 298i, & 398i), please visit to the Career Center for more information.
Enrollment Adjustment Form
Use this form to request any of the following actions: add a class after R'Web is closed, enroll into a full class (space and waitlist permitting), withdraw from a class, change the grading basis of a class, or resolve a time conflict between two classes. You must be an active UCR student and have a NetID and password to use this form.
Please note that the Summer Sessions office can only approve Enrollment Adjustment Forms to add to a class that is full if there are zero students currently on the waitlist for the course. If there is an active waitlist, Summer Sessions cannot process the request because doing so would be unfair to the students on the waitlist.
Withdrawing from a course after the deadline will not result in a refund, nor will the course charges be removed. To avoid having to pay course fees, you must drop the course on or before the refund deadline as listed at Dates & Deadlines.
Exceptional Circumstances Petition
Use this form only in cases in which circumstances causing the situation are clearly beyond your control. You will need to log in with your UCR NetID and password to access the petition.
Exceptional circumstances are defined as events that are beyond the student's control that prevent the student from meeting the applicable deadline(s). Examples of circumstances that are not exceptional and will be denied include, but are not limited to:
- Not needing or wanting a class.
- Poor class performance.
- Not knowing you were still enrolled in a class.
- Not knowing the deadline to the procedure for changing your schedule.
- Inability to pay for the class when the fees were due.
- Having too heavy a class load.
- Wishing to improve your GPA.
Important things to consider when completing this petition:
- In most circumstances, petitions should be filed before the class's final examination. Unexplained or excessive delay in filing a petition may be grounds for denial. Any delay in filing your petition must be accounted for in your explanation.
- Your petition must be carefully prepared, thorough, clearly stated and submitted in one complete packet. Your petition may be turned away, delayed, or denied if it lacks necessary details/evidence.
- Any false or suspicious declarations submitted with a petition packet will automatically be sent to Student Conduct & Academic Integrity Programs (SCAIP) for review.
- You must submit documentation to support your claim.