Education Minor: The Minor for Every Major

24 Units  | 2 Lower Division Courses  | 4 Upper Division Courses
The Minor in Education is an excellent addition to nearly any major. Complementing your major with this minor allows you to strengthen your resume for your career or graduate school.
The School of Education offers two minors that are easily available for Summer Sessions students:

Minor in Education

Maybe you're majoring in Public Policy but want to work to improve policies regarding K-12 or even higher education, this minor would be a great fit. Maybe you want to consider becoming a teacher or professor, but you still want to focus primarily on your specialized topic. Maybe you will work with people and want to understand learning systems and how people develop in adolescence into adulthood. There are many ways a Minor in Education could be useful!

Athletic Leadership Minor

There's also the Athletic Leadership Minor, perfect for student athletes or any student who might want to pursue a career in athletics, fitness, sports administration, sports law, sports psychology and more.



Starting in Summer 2025, the following courses will be available in these thematic packages based on your interests. 
An orange art installation is surrounded by kumquat trees outside the Humanities and Social Sciences building at UCR.

Summer 2025 ONLINE Fast Track

Pending your major advisor's permission to take more than 15 units, the below schedule would allow you to receive the general Minor in Education in just one summer and strictly with online courses. 
  • Session A (June 23-July 26): EDUC 005, EDUC 010, EDUC 154
  • Session B (July 28-August 30): EDUC 118, EDUC 150, EDUC 184

These courses are only intended for summer 2025 planning only, as it may change annually.



There may be additional courses available from the School of Education that may be applicable to the Minor in Education but these packages are intended to help students choose courses most applicable to their interests.

The Minor in Education themes above will not be listed on your transcript but will be listed strictly as a Minor in Education. These themes are just to help you find classes closely aligned with your particular interests. The Athletic Leadership minor will be listed as such on your transcript.

You can declare the Education or Athletic Leadership minor once the following criteria has been met: be in good academic standing and have completed at least two Education courses with a grade of "C" or higher. 

Click here to learn how to declare your minor officially with the School of Education. You also need to consult with your major advisor as soon as you know that you want to add a minor, as well as getting their approval if you need take more than 15 units during the summer.


*The School of Education guarantees enough courses to be available in order to achieve a Minor in Education by strictly taking courses over two summers. We cannot guarantee that the specific classes desired will be available every summer, that classes will have open seats, or that classes won't be cancelled if they don't meet minimum enrollment.