Courses that are typically offered during Summer Sessions - Plan for summer year-round with Scotty's Summer Staples!
This list is based on courses offered consistently over the past three summers. These classes are not guaranteed for the current or future Summer Sessions offerings. The official Summer Sessions course offerings are available to browse beginning March 3, 2025. Courses are subject to change and are available on a first-come, first-served basis when Summer Sessions registration opens.
ANTH-001 Cultural Anthropology ANTH-005 Introduction to Archaeology ANTH-050 Human Evolution ANTH-144E Culture and Medicine -
ART-001 Beginning Drawing and Design ART-002 Beginning Painting and Design ART-003 Introduction to Photographic Processes ART-006 Introduction to Contemporary Critical Issues in Art -
Art History
AHS-007 World Art: Images, Issues and Ideas AHS-020 Introduction to Media Art AHS-136 History of Video Art AHS-165 Women Artists in Renaissance Europe, 1400-1600 AHS-180 Modern European Art I: Nineteenth-Century -
BCH-010 Introduction to Nutrition BCH-100 Introduction to Biochemistry -
BIOL-002 Cellular Basis of Life BIOL-003 Organisms in Their Environment BIOL-005A Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology BIOL-005B Introduction to Organismal Biology BIOL-005C Introductory Evolution and Ecology BIOL-030 Human Reproduction and Sexual Behavior BIOL-05LA Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory BIOL-102 Introductory Genetics BIOL-105 Evolution BIOL-107A Molecular Biology BIOL-110 Biology of Human Problems BIOL-116 Ecology and Conservation Biology BIOL-178 Hormones and Behavior -
Botany & Plant Sciences
BPSC-011 Plants and Human Affairs BPSC-021 California's Cornucopia: Food From the Field to your Table -
Cell Biology & Neuroscience
CBNS-101 Fundamentals of Cell Biology CBNS-106 Introduction to Neuroscience CBNS-120 Cellular Neuroscience: Member and Synaptic Phenomena CBNS-120L Neuroscience Laboratory CBNS-124 Systems Neuroscience CBNS-128 Immunology CBNS-165 Stem Cell Biology -
CHEM-001 Preparation for General Chemistry CHEM-001A General Chemistry CHEM-001B General Chemistry CHEM-001C General Chemistry CHEM-008A Organic Chemistry CHEM-008B Organic Chemistry CHEM-008C Organic Chemistry CHEM-01LA General Chemistry Laboratory CHEM-01LB General Chemistry Laboratory CHEM-01LC General Chemistry Laboratory CHEM-08LA Organic Chemistry Laboratory CHEM-08LB Organic Chemistry Laboratory CHEM-08LC Organic Chemistry Laboratory CHEM-109 Survey of Physical Chemistry -
Comparative Literature & Foreign Languages
CLA-040 Classical Mythology CPLT-181 Existentialism in Literature, Film, and Culture LING-020 Language and Linguistics LING-111 Phonetics -
Computer Science
CS-005 Introduction to Computer Programming CS-006 Effective Use of the World Wide Web CS-008 Introduction to Computing CS-009A Data Oriented Introduction to Computing I CS-010A Introduction to Computer Science for Science, Mathematics and Engineering I CS-010B Introduction to Computer Science for Science, Mathematics and Engineering II CS-010C Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms CS-061 Machine Organization and Assembly Language Programming CS-100 Software Construction CS-111 Discrete Structures CS-130 Computer Graphics CS-141 Intermediate Data Structures and Algorithms CS-152 Compiler Design CS-153 Design of Operating Systems CS-179K Project in Computer Science: Software Engineering ENGR-180W Technical Communications -
Creative Writing
CRWT-040 Fiction and Film -
DNCE-007 Dance: Cultures and Contexts -
Earth & Planetary Sciences
GEO-004 Natural Hazards and Disasters GEO-007 Minerals and Human Health GEO-011 Global Climate Change GEO-013 Our Planetary Neighbords: The Solar System and Beyond -
ECON-002 Introduction to Macroeconomics ECON-003 Introduction to Microeconomics ECON-101 Statistics for Economics ECON-102 Intermediate Microeconomics ECON-103 Intermediate Macroeconomics ECON-104A Intermediate Microeconomics Theory ECON-104B Intermediate Microeconomics Theory ECON-105B Intermediate Macroeconomics ECON-107 Introductory Econometrics ECON-124 World Economic History ECON-135 The Stock Market ECON-143 Environmental Economics ECON-153 Labor Economics ECON-160 Industrial Organization ECON-162 Managerial Economics ECON-171 International Finance ECON-178 International Trade -
Electrical & Computer Engingeering
EE-005 Circuits and Electronics EE-020B Linear Methods for Engineering Analysis and Design Using MATLAB EE-030A Fundamentals of Electric Circuits I EE-030B Fundamentals of Electric Circuits II EE-030LA Fundamentals of Electric Circuits Laboratory EE-100B Electronic Circuits II EE-115 Introduction to Communication Systems EE-120A Logic Design EE-123 Power Electronics ENGR-108 Power Electronics -
ENGL-020A Introduction to British Literary Tradition ENGL-020B Introduction to American Literary and Cultural Studies ENGL-020C Introduction to Alternative Critical Perspectives on Literature and Culture ENGL-120T Studies in Native American Literature ENGL-179A History of Speculative Fiction -
Environmental Sciences
ENSC-001 Introduction to Environmental Science: Natural Resources -
Ethnic Studies
ETST-001 Introduction to the Study of Race and Ethnicity ETST-002 Introduction to Chicano Studies in Comparative Perspective ETST-005 Introduction to Asian American Studies in Comparative Perspective ETST-007 Introduction to Native American Studies in Comparative Perspective ETST-102 The Political Economy of Race and Class -
Gender & Sexuality Studies
GSST-001 Gender and Sexuality GSST-010 Women and Culture GSST-020 Women, Feminism, and Society in a Global Perspective GSST-100 Gender Theory -
Hispanic Studies
SPN-001 Elementary Spanish SPN-002 Elementary Spanish SPN-003 Elementary Spanish SPN-004 Intermediate Spanish -
HISA-120B The Supreme Court and the Constitution HISE-118 Ancient Greece: The Hellenistic Age from Alexander to Cleopatra, 336-31 B.C. HIST-010 World History: Prehistory to 1500 HIST-020 World History: The Long Twentieth-Century HIST-104 Scientific Revolution, 1500-1700 HIST-106 Science in the 20th Century HIST-107 Disease and Society HIST-124 Women in Middle Eastern and Islamic History -
MATH-006B Precalculus: An Introduction to Functions 2 MATH-007A Calculus for Life Sciences MATH-007B Calculus for Life Sciences MATH-009A First-Year Calculus MATH-009B First-Year Calculus MATH-009C First-Year Calculus MATH-010A Calculus of Several Variables MATH-010B Calculus of Several Variables MATH-031 Applied Linear Algebra MATH-046 Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations MATH-120 Optimization MATH-149A Probability and Mathematical Statistics MATH-149B Probability and Mathematical Statistics MATH-150A Intermediate Analysis -
Mechanical Engineering
ME-010 Statistics ME-018A Introduction to Engineering Computation ME-018B Introduction to Computational Modeling in Mechnical Engineering ME-135 Transport Phenomena ME-175A Professional Topics in Engineering -
Media & Cultural Studies
MCS-139 Mass Media and Popular Culture -
LWSO-100 Introduction to the Study of Law and Society PHIL-001 Introduction to Philosophy PHIL-002 Contemporary Moral Issues PHIL-003 Ethics and the Meaning of Life PHIL-007 Introduction to Critical Thinking PHIL-008 Introduction to Logic PHIL-111 Philosophy, Film, and Reflective Popular Culture PHIL-164 Justice -
Physics & Astronomy
PHYS-002A General Physics PHYS-002B General Physics PHYS-002C General Physics PHYS-02LA General Physics Laboratory PHYS-02LB General Physics Laboratory PHYS-02LC General Physics Laboratory PHYS-040A General Physics PHYS-040B General Physics PHYS-040C General Physics -
Political Science
POSC-007 Introduction to Political Theory POSC-010 American Politics POSC-020 World Politics POSC-108 Politics of Race, Immigration, and Ethnicity in the United States POSC-112S Modern Political Theory POSC-116S Capitalism, Socialism and Political Theory POSC-138S Labor and Globalization POSC-145 Money in American Politics POSC-162S Latin America: the Quest for Development and Democracy POSC-182G Politics and Economic Policy POSC-186 Regulation: A Political Perspective -
PSYC-001 Introductory Psychology PSYC-002 Introductory Psychology PSYC-011 Psychological Methods: Statistical Procedures PSYC-012 Psychological Methods: Research Procedures PSYC-110 The Brain and Behavior PSYC-129 Human Neuropsychology PSYC-132 Perception PSYC-134 Cognitive Processes PSYC-140 Social Psychology PSYC-142 Industrial/Organizational Psychology PSYC-149 The Science of Well Being PSYC-150 Personality PSYC-160 Life Span Development PSYC-178 Health Psychology PSYC-182N Laboratory in Psychology: Adult Development and Aging -
Public Policy
PBPL-001 Introduction to Public Policy Analysis PBPL-004 Ethics, Professionalism, and Public Policy PBPL-101 Case Studies in Public Policy -
School of Business
BUS-010 Introduction to Business BUS-020 Financial Accounting and Reporting BUS-100W Management Writing and Communication BUS-101 Information Technology Management BUS-102 Ethics and Law in Business and Society BUS-103 Marketing and Distribution Management BUS-104 Decision Analysis and Management Science BUS-105 Production and Operations Management BUS-106 Introduction to Financial Management BUS-107 Organizational Behavior BUS-109 Comparative and Strategic Analysis BUS-111 Services Marketing BUS-112 Consumer Behavior BUS-117 Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications BUS-118 Digital Marketing BUS-132 Foundations of Finance BUS-149 Advanced Topics in Management and Decision-Making BUS-157 Managing Work Force Diversity BUS-165A Intermediate Financial Accounting BUS-165B Intermediate Financial Accounting BUS-171 Systems Analysis and Design BUS-173 Introduction to Databases for Management BUS-198l Individual Internship in Business Administration -
School of Education
EDUC-005 Introduction to Education Studies EDUC-010 Principles of Learning Strategies EDUC-044 Principles of Healful Living EDUC-050 Intercollegiate Athletics and Higher Education EDUC-051 Introduction to Higher Education: Current Issues and Debates EDUC-061 Introduction to Human Development EDUC-132 The Exceptional Child EDUC-141 Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on LGBTQ Students and Faculty EDUC-147 Education in a Diverse Society EDUC-154 Educational Leadership in a Diverse Society EDUC-160 Cognitive Development and Education EDUC-162 Learning Theory and Psychology in Education EDUC-179A Development in Content Areas EDUC-211B Social Development EDUC-246E Autism Spectrum Disorders EDUC-257 Language, Culture, and Education EDUC-280L Secondary Foreign Language EDUC-331 Teaching English Around the World EDUC-332 Early Supervised Fieldwork and Seminar for Multiple Subjects EDUC-333 Early Supervised Fieldwork and Seminar for Single Subjects EDUC-334 Combined Credential Seminar -
SOC-001 Introduction to Sociology SOC-003 Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology SOC-004 Methods of Sociological Inquiry SOC-005 Statistical Analysis SOC-140 The Sociology of Women SOC-150 The Sociology of Economic Organizations SOC-151 Formal Organizations SOC-168 Development of Sociological Theory SOC-169 Modern Sociological Theory -
South East Asian Studies
SEAS-123 Southeast Asian Performance -
STAT-004 Elements of Data Science STAT-010 Introduction to Statistics STAT-011 Introduction to Statistical Modeling STAT-107 Introduction to Statistical Computing with R STAT-155 Probability and Statistics for Science and Engineering -
Study of Religion
RLST-005 Introduction to Asian Religions RLST-010 Introduction to the Bible RLST-012 Religious Myths and Rituals RLST-014 Religion and Science RLST-015 Death -
Theatre, Film & Digital Production
TFDP-020 Production Techniques for Theatre, Film, and TV Design TFDP-050 Public Speaking TFDP-100 Play Analysis -
University Writing Program
ENGL-001A Beginning Composition ENGL-001B Intermediate Composition ENGL-001C Applied Intermediate Composition ENGL-004 English Writing ENGL-007 Writing Workshop ENGL-008 Oral Communications