8-UNIT CAP Quick Link
Great news: the 8-unit fee cap has been extended to Summer 2025!
Take advantage of UCR's eight-unit fee cap, where most students won't pay for any Summer Sessions units beyond eight!
So take 12 or even 16, and you still only pay for eight! It's a smart use of your time and money!
Who Qualifies?
All current UCR undergraduate students and undergraduate students visiting from other University of California campuses. Graduate students, students from non-UCR campuses, or students not enrolled in any college (including dismissed UCR students) currently do not qualify.
How does it work?
First, register for classes just like normal. It doesn't matter which sessions the courses take place in or if the courses are in-person or online.
Then, as long as you qualify and are registered for more than eight units, you'll only be charged the per-unit fee for the first eight! Just remember that if other campus fees fluctuate based on how many units you're taking, those may still increase based on your overall course enrollment (such as Course Materials Fees and the campus technology fee, which is based on units taken).
For more details about summer fees, check the Cost & Aid section of our website.